Wednesday 28 November 2007

Breast Screening

Maybe not a good subject but yesterday I underwent my two yearly mammogram.

The position you have to get into to have this done is quite comical. You stand in front of this big machine (topless), place your breast on a large plate and then the fun begins. You have to lean forward put your arm in a chicken wing position, tilt your head to one side, push out your butt, lean your shoulder in, and get your breast clamped and then they tell you not to breathe.
Needless to say describing this to Steve, he suggested that I put a link to the chicken dance.

Despite the discomfort it is worthwhile having it done for peace of mind. It is very well published that women over the age of fifty can have this done for free but what is not advertised is that women over the age of forty can also have the same thing done for free. If not for my doctor I would not have known this.

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