Sunday, 21 March 2010

My daughters wedding day

Here are some pics of my daughters wedding day even though it rained you could not wipe the smiles from the happy bride and grooms face. In the above picture is my ex to the left Brett, Jess, Myself and Steve.
Sarah, Brett, Jess, Me and Steve

The Bridal Party and yes one of the groomsmen was a female
My two lovely daughters Sarah and Jessica.

All the grandparents that are still alive were there to see the day.

Even though it rained it was a lovely day.

The happy couple.

My Jess. She is so beautiful.

The team trying to get the mud off the dress before the reception.

All The Guests

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The twists in life

Today is not a happy day but a day to remember my lovely Aunt passed away she was a woman that in today's world would rarely been seen, she was a woman of character and principal she was an artist in her dressmaking and paintings. She would make you laugh just by talking to her. My regret is I did not visit her in her final days, I was always to busy (no excuse). Beating myself up will accomplish nothing. May she rest in peace. May her children and grand children and great children see what she was made of and move forward and be as great as she was.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Two and a half days to go and the wedding is upon us so looking forward to seeing my beautiful daughter get married. Rock on Saturday. Will post lots of photos after the day. :)

Friday, 19 February 2010

Our wildlife over the past twelve months

Some of our ringtails in care at the moment. In the front is Prue and the eyes you can see are Basil's our third is called Manny.

This is Ruby one of our girls that we had for a short time she is still alive and thriving with a new creche.
My biggest animal and baby in care my hubby Steve.

Our Tawnies day time shot. They are all in a don't care mood as they are not hungry.

Night time shot. All alert and hungry or full.

This is Bertie one of our Brushies due for release soon he now weighs about 1.5kg.

One of our tawnies.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

I Am Back

It has been a while since I last posted, not long, nearly a year. Have spent most of the past year working and doing more work. We are still into our wildlife caring but we will be taking a small break of three weeks in April which I think I am in desperate need of, my last break from all the daily routine was in April 2008. We have had many new and varied species in our lives and have been enjoying all the knowledge and the company of our wildlife. I am thinking of changing my blog title to my wildlife, either that or Life in my fifties but as I enjoy writing more about my animals I think that maybe the better option.

At the moment we have some great new little friends to care for five cute ringtails. I have two creches one with 2 males and a female and the other two females. I have made the difficult decision not to do brushtails any more they are cute, cuddly, tenacious and very hard to move on hence my reasoning for not doing them any more. Working nearly full time and caring tends to be a bit difficult at the best of times.

On a different note my eldest daughter gets married in three weeks so there are lots of preparations going on and I am looking forward to the big event. (Even though it means seeing all the ex in laws and out laws). Seriously though even that I don't think will be to bad. I think maybe I am growing.

As each day passes I feel more confident in myself and my relationship with my husband it has taken me a long time to get to where I am. I have started to learn that with time and love comes healing.